Tuesday, September 25, 2007

09/25/07- week Two

what i learnt this week:you always learn something new: HHD's what are those you ask? well thanks to one of my class mates. HHD's contain both a traditional magnetic media together with a small amount of flash memory . its a storage device. who knew. also did you know that processors are measured in nanoseconds? nanoseconds= 1/billionth of a second. shocker. did not know that been in IT more than 6 years. cool huh?

FQ6-chapter twoPaperless office environment:Not going to happen. If anything the use of paper will increase.
as an aside, the last time i traveled out of the US, i downloaded enough videos and e-books for my trip and stashed it all on my smartphone: issues :had to turn off electronic devices on take-off and landing. my charger did not work in the country i travelled to (120v. vs.240v)so i ran out of power.
next time: i will take a book (printed on paper)

other issues: I am tired and cranky. if any one out there knows where i can get a home self -cloning kit let me know so i can order one and clone one of me for each member of my family.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My First Blog.

well here it is my first blog. what to say. Love my husband and mu kids, love my job(somedays) and i wish i were 30 pounds lighter all in all life is good.